What God Says...
![]() Introduction "We have to continually be reminded of the things we already know" - Roy Ingbre The Bible is used by all kinds of people to seemingly support their special version of "Christianity". We have seen that varied and deviant beliefs can be backed by using specifically selected scriptures, if taken out of context. It's done by cults and special interest groups as well as Christian preachers who take their own doctrine and beliefs and search for verses or portions of scripture that will appear to support their view. The greater number of Christians who are not typically students of the Bible nor church history, mostly follow along with what is preached and taught by those whom they trust to deliver the true Word and the whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). The important thing however, is to let the Word of God speak for itself and correctly expound upon it (2 Tim 2:15) under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, rather than trying to bring credibility to ones own personal views, traditions or doctrines. We must always seek truth no matter where it leads, because truth brings freedom. Jesus said; "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:31,32). The only way to know truth is by abiding in His Word, no matter where it leads, and obey it in faith; Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. (1Jn 2:3). This is a responsibility of every Christian, not just the "ministry".
The subjects contained in the following LIBRARY are not meant to be exhaustive studies, but embrace enough content for a clear understanding and hopefully encouraging you to further study in God's Word.
NOTE: Typically, many read material like this with a predisposed mindset and often do not read all of any given article, but mainly browse through it. However, even though a few of these articles are lengthy, I encourage you to peruse them carefully with an open mind. An attitude of, "I may learn something" or "I may be reminded of something", is always best for staying alert, gaining understanding and continue to grow.